Remedial Works

Plumbing Remedial Works

A legionella risk assessment is a live document and must be worked upon making sure that non-compliances highlighted are actioned. 

HC Legionella Ltd aim to provide competetive quotations to carry out remedial works to the highest standard. 

Our qualified plumbers have an extensive understanding of the HSG 274 and HTM 04-01 as well as being highly trained in the risk of exposure to legionella (an other water bourne) bacteria that may be present within water systems, this means all remedial works are being carried out following the guidance of the applicable regulations. 

Our plumbers maintain their equipment to the highest standard with all tools and fittings being dip-disinfected prior to, and following completion of all works to reduce the likelihood of cross contamination.

We also offer our services for pro-active works prior to risk assessments being carried out inclusive of TMV servicing.

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